Hey everyone!
Another week down in SoCal! Stevenson Ranch is probably the best ward I have ever served in. Everyone is so willing to help you out and it's so easy to bring investigators to church and find good friends for them. Loving it here!
Fun Fact of the week: There is a missionary serving in my home ward named Elder Hunter Bartley. I had dinner with his family a few weeks ago and he had dinner with my family last night. It's a small world isn't it.
We had dinner with Sandy and Craig this Saturday at Bishops house and they absolutely loved it. They love how strong and unified families are inside the church and they want the same for their family. They have so many friends and so much support from others now and it is changing their life. They felt so alone when they moved to the United States and that opened them up to the Gospel. It's amazing to see how our trials and challenges humble us and turn us towards God. They came to church this Sunday and stayed all 3 hours! Sandy loved Relief society and Craig loved Elders quorum as well. Craig texted us this week and said "Elders I just read Moroni 10:4...I'm praying to know the truth! I have a desire to believe!" He is progressing so much and so is the rest of the family. Their kids love to pray now and they love participating in primary. It's just such an amazing change to see.
Austin also came to church with his mom! It was a little hard for them to start coming to the Stevenson Ranch ward since they had been to the Caustic ward a few times but once they met the members they loved it. A good ward changes everything!! So far Austin is still set to be baptized on April 8th! And hopefully this experience will reactivate his mom as well.
We were knocking the other day and we knocked into a woman named Tracy. She was so surprised to have missionaries knock on her door for the second time that week! She went on to tell us that she recently met someone at work who is a member and has been asking him tons of questions about the church and what we believe. The week before we knocked into her her friend had her read the 13 Articles of Faith (or our basic beliefs) and it really caught her attention. Then, right after she met him, she started seeing missionaries everywhere! She said her friend told her that is wasn't a coincidence and she didn't think it was either so she decided to let us share our message with her. She asked TONS of questions and agreed with us on a lot of things. We have a return appointment in a week and a half when she gets back in town. It's amazing how guided you are as a missionary. So many things played into us knocking on her door that day. We couldn't get to our other knock out spot because the gate was shut and no one could let us in. Everything happens for a reason!
Well I love you all and hope you have a great week!
Elder Jensen
Opperation Grattitude with Elder Nielsen, Hale, and Wade. |
Me and my boy Elder Martin. |
At a pass off lesson with Austin! |
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Got everyone on that penguin tie game. |
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Jamba for breakfast. |
Elder Bartley (left) from Santa Clarita-Stevenson Ranch, and Elder Lyon at my home March 19, 2017. |