Hello Everyone!
We had another sick week as usual, filled with tons of miracles and cool experiences. And also some not so cool experiences. One of which is Tiwi's. They put these devices in our car named Tiwi's that monitor your driving and talk to you if you speed or hit bumps to hard or turn too sharp...and then they report you to the office and you can lose driving privileges. So needless to say...my driving has been so amazing lately! Haha they're so annoying but oh well just gotta deal with them for a little while.
Well here's an update on my boy James. So James is making some huge changes! He's almost completely off coffee...he went from an entire flask to only one small cup each morning. He's down to 3-4 cigarettes a day and he's not drinking! Huge progress...we're super proud and excited for him. Shannon and the rest of his family are also doing great!! They all came to church and Shannon had a really spiritual experience listening to peoples testimonies. (being their missionaries we kinda know the inside scoop on their lives and it was so cool to see the spirit prompt certain people to get up and bare their testimonies about things that were so relatable for them) We sat in on the primary class this week during church and Layla and Kylie were answering questions and having a great time! And Shannon and James loved the Gospel principles class. In Relief Society Shannon signed up to help with the ward Halloween party which was really cool. They're all getting involved with the ward and they just feel at home!
Elder Silva and I were asked to give a training in Zone Conference this week to quite a few missionaries so that was a little stressful. It's crazy though...being a missionary has made public speaking super easy so it wasn't a big deal. Anyways we had to train on the Book of Mormon and it's role in conversion and it went super well. We set up the stake center at 7:30am and didn't get out of our meetings until 6. It was brutal. Also, we really struggled to find time to plan our training because we were just so busy throughout the week teaching all our investigators...so we ended up staying up till 2am planning that thing...hahahaha...felt like we were back in high school trying to finish a project that was due the next day.
Israel is such a stud. We went by this week and he's been reading in the Book of Mormon a lot lately which is so cool. He's excited to work towards his baptismal date on November 12th and he even asked his mom and she said she thinks he should do it! That was a miracle right there!
We also went on exchanges this week and has such a sick miracle!! We were knocking in the other Elders area and we knocked on this door and no one came. So we knocked a little harder and a sleepy looking woman answered. We taught her the Restoration and told her about The Book of Mormon and then she stopped us and said. "I prayed earlier that God would give me more guidance and direction. Then I told him I'd do his will. Right after that I fell asleep and then I woke up to you two standing at my door. This is exactly what I've been waiting for!" We told her where the church was (Literally two houses away haha) and she said she is excited to start attending every week! She also told us how they had just moved in 3 weeks ago and they weren't supposed to get the house but God made it possible and now she knows why he helped them out...so she could meet the missionaries. Miracles happen everywhere!!
Well I hope you all have a great week and stay safe!!
Elder Jensen
Planning for our Zone Conference Training meeting. |
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Our Zone Conference Training meeting went well. |
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Zone Conference Training meeting |