Hello from California! This week we haven't been having your typical So Cal weather. It's been raining non-stop and the streets have been flooding down in the valley. Knockout has been pretty interesting because we are just soaked to the bone and people are so confused why we are out in the "Crazy dangerous storm!"...haha needless to say, Californians are scared of the rain and don't know what a real storm is like. But other than the bad weather this week has been great!
We had transfers this week! Everything went super smooth and there were no complaints about everyone's new companions which was nice. At the end of transfers there were a bunch of extra cars at the Stake center that we had to bring back to the office...and I had to drive the huge 15 passenger van...it wasn't bad at all. It feels like you are driving a tank or something! Still never getting a van though! We're back to transfer planning this week and it's so cool to see how changes last transfer prepared everyone for their new companion this transfer. God is so organized and he truly has a plan for each one of us that will help us grow and become the people he wants us to be.
Elder Ardern from the quorum of the 70 is visiting our mission this week. He's from New Zealand and has the coolest accent. It's been a pretty amazing experience for Elder Deyholos and I to get to sit down with President Henrie and Elder Ardern and discuss this mission. He loves how this mission is run and is really impressed with the great missionaries we have! We answered questions for him and then he said "Elders do you want to know a secret...The Lord expects a lot of every assistant especially after their missions. He's put you with President Henrie to prepare you for the responsibility to come. He has you in his sights so prepare to have a lot on your plate when you get home." Elder Deyholos and I thought that was pretty cool.
Albert is starting to slow down in his progression. He's kinda lost that initial awe that he had towards spiritual things which is really sad. He's been super hard to get in contact with lately and is tough to schedule lessons with because he just feels like he's learned enough. He still comes to church every week though so hopefully the spirit with get through to him one of these times that this is where he belongs and this is what he needs in his life.
The office is finally finished! We moved all the furniture in last minute before Elder Ardern got here. President Henry had elder Deyholos and I hang all the paintings in the office so we could "impress our wives when we got married and they wanted a painting hung" hahaha!
Well I love you all so much! I hope you all have a great week!!
Elder Jensen

Elder Ian S. Ardern
General Authority Seventy
Elder Ian S. Ardern was sustained as a General Authority Seventy of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on April 2, 2011. At the time of his call, he had been serving as a member of the Eighth Quorum of the Seventy in the Pacific Area. He is currently serving at Church headquarters in Salt Lake City.Elder Ardern received a bachelor’s degree in education in 1982 and a master’s degree in education from the University of Waikato in New Zealand in 1994. In 1981 he joined the Church Educational System as a teacher and later was principal of the Church College of New Zealand. In 2004 he became the Pacific Church Educational System area director and later worked as the institute director and seminary coordinator for the Church Educational System in New Zealand.
Elder Ardern has served in a number of Church callings, including full-time missionary in France and Belgium, stake Young Men president, high councilor, counselor in a bishopric, bishop, counselor in a stake presidency, president of the Fiji Suva Mission, and Area Seventy.
Ian Sidney Ardern was born in Te Aroha, New Zealand, on February 28, 1954. He married Paula Ann Judd in January 1976. They are the parents of four children.
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Transfer Day January 17, 2017 |
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Elder Ardern Zone Conference January 2017 |
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Zone Conference |
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Zone Conference with Elder Ardern January 2017 |
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January 2017 Zone Conference |
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Zone Conference January 2017 |