Hey Everyone!
Week 2 with Elder Deyholos was great! I can honestly say I have not had a bad companion my entire mission! Everyone I get put with is seriously so cool! It’s been another awesome week in the Stevenson Ranch Ward! This is definitely the largest ward I’ve been in and it almost reminds me of a Utah ward haha, so I’m loving that.
We had a pretty cool miracle this week! We got a sweet new family to teach! Andrea and Erin and their two little girls. They have recently moved into the area and have been praying that they would find a church for their family to go to. Well "coincidentally" the missionaries knocked on their door and were an answer to their prayers. No such thing as coincidences! They are planning on coming to church as soon as they get back from vacation at the start of next year and they want us to come and teach them and tell them more about prophets and everything we believe! People are being prepared for the Gospel all over the place!!
Stories of the Week:
So this week we had to run to the store to grab some Christmas decorations for the decorating contest we are in with our missionary neighbors we are gonna kill them). Anyways, we are at the store and there is a hispanic sheriff behind us with his wife and he sees our tags. Well all of a sudden he changes to Spanish and starts to make fun of us. He called us losers and other mean stuff lol. Well he didn't know that one of these two pasty white kids spoke perfect Spanish. Elder Deyholos turned around and said "Hey sir, how are you doing? Got a lot of shopping done today huh?" in perfect Spanish hahaha! The guy just sat there and felt so dumb hahaha! Then he tried to act all friendly and was speaking in English and Elder D just answered everything in Spanish still. Haha it was so funny!! Perks of being bilingual!
We got to have dinner at presidents house and sister Henrie asked us to decorate her tree...it looked horrible so she had the sister missionaries come over after hahaha!
Well I love you all so much and I hope you have a great week! Sorry for the short email today.
Elder Jensen
Spencer Lindsay from the YSA ward at the LA temple with us. |
Elder Deyholos and I at the LA Temple |
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Decorating President and Sister Henrie's Christmas tree at the mission home. |
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Elder Deyholos and I at the mission home with President and Sister Henrie. |